
I am Associate Professor of Algebra at the University of Parma.
I received my Ph.D. from Northeastern University in Boston in 2013 and held several postdoctoral positions afterwards: at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Fall 2013); at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles (2014-2017); at the University of Edinburgh (2017-2020).


I am a member of the Algebra and Geometry group of the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science.
My research is in Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics. I am interested in infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, quantum groups and braid groups, Yangians and quantum loop algebras, quantization and deformation theory, integrable systems, and categorification.


I am in charge of the Algebra curriculum of the master program in Mathematics at the University of Parma, including the courses Topics in Algebra (Algebra Superiore 1), Topics in Representation Theory (Algebra Superiore 2), and Algebra 2. I usually also teach a Ph.D. course every year. My courses are generally held during the second semester (Spring).